Take Action now to restore a 2% COLA for NM PERA retirees

Contact Your Legislators

Your support can make a difference in restoring the COLA. Contact your legislators today!

The Legislative Switchboard will transfer you to any Legislator’s office: 505-986-4300

Legislative Leadership

Call or email the Leadership of both Houses, and tell them you need your COLA. Nothing passes without leadership support.

Legislative Committees

Once a bill has been assigned to a committee, track its progress and contact the committee members to urge their support.

Find Your Legislator

The senator and representative that represent your district are responsible to you. Contact them and ask them to support legislation reinstating COLAs.

Legislative Leadership

Call the Leadership of both Houses, and tell them you need your COLA!

Legislative Updates

The information below about specific legislation impacting your COLA is updated regularly. Contact all committee members listed to ensure that bills are passed.

House Bill 164

“Increase Retiree COLAs”

House Bill 164 restores a 2% cost of living increase for retirees when they reach 65. Read the text of the bill

2/10/25 Update

UPDATE: HB 164 passed HGEIC unanimously Monday morning 2/10, and is on its way to the House Appropriations and Finance Committee. Information will be posted here when it’s available.

Please call HAFC members as soon as possible (office hours M-F, 8-5), and ask them to support HB 164.

Senate Bill 30

“PERA Two Percent Cost of Living Adjustments”

Senate Bill 30, PERA Two Percent Cost-of-Living Adjustments, restores a 2% cost of living increase for retirees when they reach 65. Read the text of the bill.

2/27/25 Update

Senate Bill 30 was not discussed on 2/27/25 as expected. Senator Linda Trujillo, a co-sponsor of the bill and a member of SFC, stated that she intends to amend SB 30 to add funding for Local Government retirees in addition to funding for State retirees. She was strong in her comments that more needs to be done for public retirees.

Please call SFC members as soon as possible (office hours M-F, 8-5), and ask them to support SB 30

Find Your Legislator

Find your Legislator:

And express your support for restoring COLAs

Toll-Free: 1 (866) 678-0670

Santa Fe Office
33 Plaza La Prensa
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Phone: (505) 542-6220
Fax: (505) 954-0370

Albuquerque Office
6300 Jefferson St. NE, STE#100
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 542-6220
Fax: (505) 954-0370
